Training: Low Level and Mustering

H&A Air can teach Low Level Aeroplane and Aerial Mustering Aeroplane for general aviation (under CASA rules) and Low Level and Utilities (mustering) for recreational pilots (under RAAus rules).

If you’re thinking about doing a low level (LL) endorsement then you have come to the right place. Hugh is a Low Level and Mustering instructor with over 10 years of LL experience. LL is a dangerous environment to be flying however, with the correct training and methods to mitigate the risks involved, it can be a very satisfying workplace.

The following rules are taken from the CASA CAR 61.Q. These rules are directed to GA pilots however, most of the rules are the same or similar for RAAus pilots.

The primary difference for RAAus pilots is the minimum hour requirements for training. For low Level training, the pilot must have a minimum of 50 hours pilot in command (PIC). For the utilities endorsement, the pilot must have 100 hours PIC. RAAus pilots must be approved by the head of flying ops at RAAus to conduct the training. This means you must have a genuine reason for doing the training e.g., you’re a famer flying over your own land.

RAAus and private pilots are not allowed to operate commercially (i.e. for reward/compensation).

The requirements for Low Level and mustering are below.

What is Low Level Aeroplane (LLA)?

LLA is any flight below 500f AGL in a fixed wing aircraft.

What are the training requirements for a LLA rating?

Training requirements of the LLA is 5 hours minimum. The pilot must be up to a safe standard, under the supervision of a qualified LLA instructor (1 hour flight test with a qualified LLA examiner).

What are some of the rules to operate LL?

Some of these rules are very wordy so don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to know more

Private operations on private land or;

You need “general permit” or one-off permit for a task from CASA

Maintain correct distances from buildings

Must have permission of the land owner

You must be operating under and Air operators Certificate (AOC) with a CASA permit.

What are the pilot requirements for LLA (Taken from CASA CAR 61.Q)

An applicant for a low‑level rating must:

(a)  hold a private pilot licence, commercial pilot licence or air transport pilot licence; and

(c)  have passed the flight test for the low‑level rating.

The holder of a low‑level rating is authorised to exercise the privileges of the rating only if the holder

has, within the previous 6 months:

(a)  completed at least 2 hours of low‑level operations; or

(b)  been assessed as competent to conduct low‑level operations by a flight instructor who holds a low‑level training endorsement.

The holder is taken to meet the requirements of the above ruling if the holder:

(a)  has successfully completed an operator proficiency check in low‑level operations within the previous 6 months; or

(b)  has successfully completed a flight review for the rating within the previous 6 months.

The holder of a low‑level rating is authorised to exercise the privileges of the rating only if the holder

has, within the previous 24 months (CASA LL exemption) successfully completed a flight

review for the rating.

The holder is taken to meet the requirements of the above if:

(a)  the holder has passed a flight test for the rating within the previous 12 months; or

(b)  the holder has passed a flight test for the grant of a low‑level endorsement:

(i)  within the previous 12 months; but

(ii)  more than 6 months after passing the flight test for the rating; or

(c)  the holder has successfully completed an aerial application proficiency check in the previous 12 months; or

(d)  the holder has successfully completed an operator proficiency check that covers:

(i)  operations under the rating; or

(ii)  operations under the aerial application rating within the previous 12 months; or

(e)  both:

(i)  the holder is successfully participating in an operator’s training and checking system for an operation under the rating; and

(ii)  the operator holds an approval under regulation 61.040 for the system for this subregulation. (company check and training)


What is Aerial Mustering Aeroplane (AMA)?

The process of actively moving stock in a desired direction using a fixed wing aircraft.

What are the training requirements for an AMA endorsement?

Training requirements of the AMA is 5 hours minimum, the pilot must be up to a safe standard, under the supervision of a qualified AMA instructor (1 hour flight test with a qualified AMA examiner.)

What are the pilot requirements for AMA?

All normal pilot requirements must be met e.g. current BFR, Medical etc

The pilot must have a LLA rating

The pilot must have an AMA endorsement on their LLA

In the previous 12 months the pilot must have had one of the following 20 hours of AMA, passed an AMA flight test or had an AMA flight review

The pilot must have permission from the landowner

Must be operating under an approved Airwork Certificate with LLA and AMA on the certificate, with a CASA approved low level Permission. Or be operating privately, on private property.

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0427 198 900


Broken Hill Airport Bonanza St, Broken Hill NSW 2880

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